Friday, November 20, 2009

khamis dan jumaat~~

bla..bla...bla.....huhu!lets continue our lesson today.cewwah!rindula cikgu ckp camtu..erm ok ari khamis ...RESULT DAY!!!!!HUHU...actually i was really scared of it but thanks mel if not because of u ,i'll of course be a coward kan?mule - mule ok je la but after recess kiteorang semua jadi penakut doh!!okla the first name yg cikgu sebut ialah imran pastu bla...bla...bla...bla and me .although it was scary but nak buat mcm mane kan?pastu slowly i try to bukak the slip and tadaaa I GOT 5AAAAA!!!!wow man !!i don't know what's to say pastu cikgu zainab called me because she wants to snap some picture with me...ohhh sikit lagi nak menangis tau.thats was actually called memories and experience for me!tapi sumpah happy giler kowt waktu tu.i feel like nothing was betterr than that .then blablablablbalalala....friday atau hari goreng.hahaha....memang goreng la kiteorang menangis and snap gambar sampai dah nak abis bateri tau!...memeng sape yg tak nak mengaku kan hari terakhir kowt!fuhhh menakutkan la nak masuk smk nie takut ade banyak gangster la(bukan gangstar k?).....erm tu jela kowt
p/s to all teachers :i promise that i'll never forget u okey?muahhh
okla bye!!~IMU~